1.     The main purpose of this article is

The main purpose of this article is to give readers a well-structured idea about the process of critical thinking and its necessity. The article goes deeper into issues associated with absence of critical thinking so as to make the readers to realize the importance of critical thinking. The author aims at building the intellectual traits in the readers through some series of thought processes or stages of critical thinking development.


2.     The key question that the author is addressing is

The key question that the author is addressing is why critical thinking is needed. The author tries to answer this key question through this article. He is trying to explore the necessity of critical thinking by stating the consequences of egocentrism and sociocentrism and also provides the steps to be a well cultivated critical thinker.


3.     The most important information in this article is

The most important information in this article is how we can organize our thoughts in order to build intellectual traits by applying the standards to the elements of thoughts. In other words, the author tries to make the readers to develop into critical thinkers. There is a detailed explanation on how to critically analyze an article, reasoning and problem-solving. The article also deals with the problem of egocentrism and how people normally handle their thoughts. From this issue, he raises the need of critical thinking.



4.     The main inferences/conclusions in this article are

The key conclusion that the author points to is that the problem of egocentric thinking can be solved through process of critical thinking by developing essential intellectual traits. The problem of egocentric thinking can make the person worse as he sticks to his point of view and he is never able to look from other person’s perspective. With an organized analysis of the elements of thoughts we can build intellectual traits.



5.     The key concepts we need to understand in this article are

The key concepts we need to understand in this article are critical thinking, to develop critical thinking by commanding of the universal intellectual standards, stages of critical thinking development, essential intellectual traits etc.… By these concepts the author means that the idea of critical thinking is quite applicable to real life, and it is a process of rebuilding of our thoughts when we meet with some problems, issues or situations. The main ideas we must have to understand the author’s line of reasoning is that human mind can undergo changes when it is treated in a particular order. We can change our self-centered attitude to selfless minds through continuous efforts.




6.     The main assumptions underlying the author’s thinking are

The main assumptions that the author has is of that the problem of human native egocentrism can be resolved with critical thinking. A reader could raise the question of how the process of critical thinking be a solution to the issue of egocentrism as the opinion can be always subjective. can However the author here be able to address the problems which might be inherent in those assumptions.


7.     If we take this line of reasoning seriously, the implications are

The implications after we take this line of reasoning seriously would be something really fruitful and positive in my perspective. This is because the concept shared in the article is clear, precise, based on logic and also significant. The reader who takes the line of reasoning seriously will apply them to his thought elements and there will be changes resulted. He will be able to explore his egocentric thoughts and change them with critical evaluation by commanding on the intellectual standards. The reader will be infused with such kind of thoughts so as to become a well cultivated critical thinker.


8.     If we fail to take this line of reasoning seriously, the implications are

If we fail to take this line of reasoning seriously, the implication would be that the reader will continue to go with his problem of egocentrism and sociocentrism. Such people will continue to depend on their personal perspective further and there will be no thought changes or development of critical thinking. In such a case, the person will live with unrealistic but confident sense, they believe in their intuitive perception however inaccurate. He continues to be self-deceived animal.



9.     The main points of view presented in the article are

The author’s point of view on the aspect of critical thinking can be explained as follows:

The human thoughts are left biased, partial or down-right prejudiced. These thoughts should be systematically cultivated and made excellent. Critical thinking is way to analyze and interpret our thoughts with a view to improve it. This happens when the elements of thought like purpose, question, information, assumption etc., are analyzed with sensitivity to universal intellectual standards like clarity, relevance, significance, logic etc.… This is a way of evaluating the reasoning and ways of problem solving. The supreme point of view of the author is that to be a critical thinker we have to apply intellectual standards to the elements of reasoning in order to develop intellectual traits. As a whole, the author is trying to make the readers be able to analyze and assess any type of research, article or even a problem or issue.

