
Showing posts from May, 2021


 LOCKDOWN FATIGUE WHAT IS LOCKDOWN FATIGUE? Lockdown fatigue is a term that we hear from all around a lot in these days, and though it is not an actual clinical diagnosis, its something which many of us can relate to. It can manifest in many ways but, in essence, lockdown fatigue refers to the impact of having to deal with the rollercoaster of emotions brought on by covid-19. Routines have been upended, relationships have been strained, financial worries have heightened, and at the same time, we have had to get to grasps with an uncertain future. Lockdown fatigue have hit everyone differently but the overarching feeling is one of exhaustion, a lack of focus, as well as lower motivation. On top of this, some people have also experienced forgetfulness and difficulty concentration( sometimes referred to as brain fog), with some patients even highlighting it as a last effect of long- Covid.  These symptoms are only exacerbated by anxiety and stress, which were on the rise even bef...

Bechdel Test

BECHDEL TEST In the 21st century, women are running for president, gaining more spots in congress, and advancing in society; however, in film and television, women are still portrayed in stereotypical and discriminatory ways. The Bechdel Test critiques a movie or television series’ portrayal of women. Created by Alison Bechdel in 1985, The Bechdel Test is a measure of female representation in film and television that uses three criteria for evaluating the presence and visibility of strong female characterizations. a way of evaluating whether a film or other work of fiction portrays women in a way that is sexist or characterized by gender stereotyping. To pass the Bechdel test a work must feature at least two women, these women must talk to each other, and their conversation must concern something other than a man. There are variations of the Bechdel Test for other protected groups, such as the DuVernay Test, and the Vito Russo Test.  The Bechdel Test presents three questions: Are t...


  THE ANALYSIS OF FEW FILMS BASED ON THE ESSAY-VISUAL PLEASURE AND NARRATIVE CINEMA (LAURA MULVEY) Mulvey begins her article by reminding readers of the function of women in the patriarchal unconscious according to psychoanalysis: “she first symbolizes the castration threat by her real absence of a penis and, second, thereby raises her child into the symbolic”.  She goes on to explain that “in patriarchal culture [woman stands in] as signifier for the male other, bound by a symbolic order in which man can live out his phantasies and obsessions through linguistic command by imposing them on the silent image of woman still tied to her place as bearer of meaning, not maker of meaning”. She argues that since film is an advanced system of representation (like language and the unconscious), the structure of (mainstream) film reflects and reinforces the prevailing patriarchy which is structured by the desires of man.  The Male Gaze theory, in a nutshell, is where women in th...