LOCKDOWN FATIGUE WHAT IS LOCKDOWN FATIGUE? Lockdown fatigue is a term that we hear from all around a lot in these days, and though it is not an actual clinical diagnosis, its something which many of us can relate to. It can manifest in many ways but, in essence, lockdown fatigue refers to the impact of having to deal with the rollercoaster of emotions brought on by covid-19. Routines have been upended, relationships have been strained, financial worries have heightened, and at the same time, we have had to get to grasps with an uncertain future. Lockdown fatigue have hit everyone differently but the overarching feeling is one of exhaustion, a lack of focus, as well as lower motivation. On top of this, some people have also experienced forgetfulness and difficulty concentration( sometimes referred to as brain fog), with some patients even highlighting it as a last effect of long- Covid. These symptoms are only exacerbated by anxiety and stress, which were on the rise even bef...